Rob teams up with his Twilight co-star, Kristen Stewart, and director, Catherine Hardwick, for an audio commentary for the Twilight DVD. The DVDs hit the stores in US last weekend and will be released in UK on April 6th. After the fame and craze the star had earned as Edward Cullin, said now the movie bosses in Hollywood can afford a high profile star for the lead role in the upcoming sequels, rather than casting “an unemployed actor from London”. “Where’s Efron?” he cracks a joke.
Fans, don’t just go crazy with Rob’s weird suggestions. All these have been put to deaf’s ear as Rob has started filming on the second Twilight installment, New Moon. There is much speculation going on in every circle whether Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will hook up during the filming of New Moon. Casts and close friends have started shielding the two actors from such rumors. Few have been already quoted saying the Stewart and Pattinson are close friends and their on-screen chemistry is only limited to set action and nothing beyond it.
“I can’t even think of those two together at all. Kristen has a boyfriend! It’s on-screen and that’s it”, said Edi Gathegi, who plays Laurent in the film. Ashley Greene, who plays Alice Cullen have added that, “Their chemistry is fantastic, but no, they are not in a romantic relationship. They are good actors [is] basically what it comes down to”.